Many governments have an objective to accelerate the transition of commercial vehicles to electric vehicles. For example, the UK is on a mission to meet its carbon reduction targets to save an estimated 2.7 million tonnes of CO2.

The World’s largest trial of commercial electric vehicles comprises a range of challenges, and in order to accurately measure the performance of the components involved, it requires real-time analysis of multiple data sources.
The world’s largest trial of commercial EVs, led by a global data technology solutions provider, and an electricity distributor.
The trial will see up to 3,000 EVs from companies that use commercial EVs supported by the power grid and electricity distributor.
Klarrio augmented the existing global data technology solutions platform with a scalable messaging layer (Kafka) to ingest large, real-life datasets from the fleets and environment. Moreover, Klarrio deployed an analytics workbench and helped data scientists to build a detailed picture of the demands of the electric fleet and private hire vehicles on the power distribution network.
The Technology behind
- Apache Spark
- Jupyter Hub
- Kafka
”“Things work out best for those who make the best of how things work out.”
— John Wooden
Data Ingestion/integration | scaling the ingestion capability of the platform.
Implementation of Analytics Workbench | Deployment of Apache Spark and Jupyterhub/Lab notebooks for analytics.
Data Science Services | Data Science Consultancy
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